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Friday, May 29, 2009 Y 4:04:00 PM

weiwei~ i miss u le eh happy birthday oh

target="_blank">Birthday Cake Pictures, Images and Photos
although it was early haha>.<
yo yo yo
i m ok
i m fine
but abnormal
i hate myself it suc
change la dorothea u have the determination but y don do it?
u can feel it
u r not other ppl like
u r different
this _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ onli u have not other ppl
n no one nos
onli u
all the way
believe u can do it
show ur other _ _ _ _ out
u can change dek sia

trust me(L)

Y 3:50:00 PM

today i got alot sorry to say
first to crystal for ...
don no seconde for jun la i also don no y i was angry with him but
not happy lor hahaha
cause i feeling weird got a very uncomfortable feeling then he like =.=
so called don wan this n tat
in the end still i do the thingy =.=
third i wan say sory to barakath
then no more le hehesorry to barakath cause i angry then anyhow show attitude to u sorry oh really sorry

anyway i will not b updating from tomor or today la cause going overseas i m going to miss u oh


Wednesday, May 27, 2009 Y 9:53:00 PM

this is for tammy the stupid cat
or wat ever i love this shugo chara so nice to watch lor

haha opening 1

feel happy after hear this omg

omg so cute this song but i like the human one

fusayo!!!!!!!!!!the the pink one look like momoko right tat momoshita
but find it abit lame =.=.
but all of them so thin T^T

i wonder y got so many yesyes de =.=

i love this also listen le so happy de

but waiting for ep 84 lei so slow one week onli one =.=

LOVE u tammy n hhahahahah FUSAYO ^>^(L)
ah ha got ppl say amu with ikuto better =.=

Y 9:25:00 PM

thankiing everyone who is always with me la

abit sad after tols the story to hasswin

ppl mayb take soft hearted ppl as granted so .........

ha ha
ah ha
ah ha
ha ha
ha ha
ha ha hahhahahahah
haahhahahhahahahah ha ha
ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha
hah ha ha ha
aha ha ha ha
h ha hahahhahahhah
ha ha ha

this is wat i call haha ok???
u arh jing xuan arh

Y 7:38:00 PM

today =.=

very ...

hehe like this =.=


although day was abit bored i nearly feel asleep in the asembly

bu then kk

la still k la
abit sad over something
but i cnt
i sad then not happy
then crystal don feel like talking to me then very ...=.= u no
ialso nvr talk to her much cause she busy playing BOO SHIT
n i busy fixing te cube
till now hor i still cnt fix it
that stupid cube
but after sch got play BOO SHUT with adrain yiling crystal andrew jingxuan huimin brenda la
oh ya
something hor
in the bus right
this good good adrain mess up the cube tat almost solved by andy
oh then i kept calling adrain andrew or andy
i got mixed up with andy adrain n adrew this names =.=
i wonder if i would call andy adrain tomor =.=
then we eat hor adrain eat finish le then
disturb me till like i very
hard to eat lei
like tat nvm
he bit the ice into small piece then
shot them out from his straw
omg la then i like omg
then at tat moment we heard a 'pia' sound we turn n saw a uncle just killed a housefly
we like laugh?
then not long later never'pia' sound came =.=

omg he like housefly detective like tat
still got newspaper to
read n catch the housefly at the same time =.=
kk amazing
wen play the card me n yiling like so fun hahaha
we like yah HE suck
ya la
correct hahaha
funny hor =.=

but i have to leave first =.= T^T
then my card
oh crystal u better return the card to me y tomor hor o.o>.<


but if u no or realise i changed again
not to kind
i change to someone who can change face immediatly
but eyeball can't c my poker double-sided face

because i have a human heart....
do u think u have a warm one
mine was gone about 1/3
i m trying to take back all warmth
i tried very hard it is gaining back
i have courage confident care n
i believe i can change back to the usual me like i was in january
i want change Pictures, Images and Photos
i believe u no i no i changed n cause alot of trouble...
hatred to me SORRRY la i m trying very hard to change back pls help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!>.<

ThankYou Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, May 26, 2009 Y 9:12:00 PM

omg can't believe she did so many things to so many ppl include innocent once... is glad tat crystal knew at last =.=

abit slow but ok la



yaya today after sch good chat with crystal andrew YIling branda hui min ang jing xuan and sheau qin sherryl and issahni???o.o aiya don no how spell her name =.=

can't beleive he actually dn like me o.o cause of tat ai..........

nvm la

but i still wish crystal can tell me T.T

cause i wan change la =.=

is ok de la hahaha

thanks to brenda make the talk so funny wen reach home no energy laugh le


the TV show super funny today i laugh alot but play alot too =.=

tomor miss tan coming back hahaha

we like after sch go KFC talk talktalktalk very fun at first is onli...

oh i got something to say

SORRY YILING for making u so angry i no y also but i really don like him u no >.<

sorry don angry with me ok???

sorry la i no veryfake but not mean to u no


oh ya sorry andrew for like ignore u or stop u like at the end cause rushing to go la sorry


sorry to jun????????? for wat ever reason it is =.=


but today still very happy can't believe wat happened =.=


k but thanks friends
really u bring me alot of happyness by talk out all my troubles i feel more releave u no haha thankyou
i mean ..thankyou still?o.o
hhahhahhahhahaha but thankyou again for nothing=.=

Monday, May 25, 2009 Y 4:05:00 PM

can't believe i was angry because of tat small thingy =.=
can't believ la


but i found tat my attitude woo!!!!!!!!!!

really stink at the time talking to teacher or discuss with group

sorry hor haha

gosh don believe attitude suck T^T

haha ...

Sunday, May 24, 2009 Y 4:03:00 PM

ah hahahhahahaha

i omg
omg for?
don no something la
tomor T^T the check up =.=
morning but good la don need wear tie ah haahahaha

veru wierd ma

Thursday, May 21, 2009 Y 5:06:00 PM

omg kk
the the hair fringe omg
don no how to clip up T^T omg
sheet la
omg miss tan ask me clip lei T^T
laugh for wat i xiao lor ah hahahahhaa:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

sheet kannasai


Y 3:20:00 PM

fails .........................
die le la

Wednesday, May 20, 2009 Y 6:54:00 PM

omg this game so scary the first ghost omg =.=
go play lor
heh go play
nvm but hor today =.= bored like sheet
never do anything acept take care brother =.=

Tuesday, May 19, 2009 Y 7:41:00 PM

but super hard de ah hahahaha try to play la press s,d,f,space and j,k,l very fun de >.<

Y 6:32:00 PM

ai ai ai ........................

today was a horrible but fun day ^.^

today is art test T.T

ai......my drawing suck la never plan properly

then pic like sheet=.=

but never mind art not really important to me ^.^

k then went to wait for andrew to go his house

his class haven finish exam so we wait outside the class lor

adrian n i playing then crystal talk to jun i think

then don no wat happen then laugh laugh laugh

finally yeah the 201 art exam finish


the teacher showed them a power point =.=

take another long minutes

but ah haha

we still got wait till they all come out

finally we walk to adrew house


i can't believe tat his house is like not far but must climb up like tat

so fun la adrian hehe cannot walk half way like very tired

then chase his then ran with adrew lor hehe

running so fun

finally reach andrew house

all sweat la then sit down watch movie ^.^


the per sing so nice lor


there is the fun yeah ^.^ go swimming pool ah hahaha

we like play at play ground fisrt the like walk to pool

don no who push tanhui down first

i c her like so helpless

then put my hand out to help her

don no hu ah push me down=.=

all wet like washed pig

but don no like somehow so fun

then push crystal jing xuan adrew adrian down

haha adrain took of his t-shirt

then he dry fastestT^T

we all et lor super wet we went in many times play happyly till

a stupid securety came =.=

idiot T^T ask us come up ai......

but at lest

we had lot of fun

went up

change cloth

then watch mamamia part two

but we all hungry

the the adrew grandma super pro can stand in kitchen fore five hours O.O

so we cnt cook magimee

watch finish like super bored

adrew took out his com

then play song

then play nobody by wonder girls hor

NS go dance there

so nice but funny too i laugh till got tears

then bored again

adrew ask Q lor like

who do u think is the cuterst? or

who is the most funniest per here or blah blah blah la


can eat opss i mean can cook le

but now =.=no feel of hunger le my stomach is like no feeling le

but accompany adrian go buy magimee

i so bad never bring money down then hahaha

adrian got to pay the magimee himself

other ppl

buy drinks'

go up again we cook i kept saying i wan cook i wan cook

then adrian also wan cook then he

fraustrated by me kept saying i wan cook

then he like u cook la

u go cook la



so i cook lor

then i cook never mind the maid keibo

help help help in the end all she cook=.=

never mind then eat lor after eat adrian say wan go ome just nice i also wan go home

but hor

onli we two thwn they send us to MRT station lor while walking with adrian

he wan run but i don wan then he sibei quite till i not use to it T^T

then sit MRT then go home lor

then wen reached home i realise my house key was left at adrew house=.= call mum with public photo

ah haha then she came

i very idiot lei my bro at hospital i forgot then i still wan fetch him =.=

if i remember i stay at adrew house longer =.= T^T

never mind today fun but horrible

still don no tomor crysstal they all wan go out not ^.^

Monday, May 18, 2009 Y 3:38:00 PM

ppl!!!!!!!!!!!! i m going back to how i m last time happy go lucky
i m changing again^.^ but not 100 %

Y 2:56:00 PM

i c this i m so high!!

i c this i wan cry T.T

i though chicken are innocent=.=

my god human body?o.o how to eat o.o

saliva chicken o.o

we all live in a materlallzes worldo.o

ur happy my business?


Y 1:54:00 PM

k i have have had dream of jun in my dream for five days T.T
y la
but i really don wan myself to like him
never mind
i can force de ah haha
ah hope i today don sleep again ^.^

kk even today f&n sleep also omg omg omg omg omg ^.^ can't no wat haapened

don no y so too ^.^
ah hahahahahahaha
finally left art onli yeah
got something very idiot
yest i thought today is art=.= then do the art till xiao
today hand pain
haha today after test went eat with crystal jing xuan and andrew^.^

very fuuny we talked about alot of things
then i told them who i like last time then after change to someone else la
then hahahaha
don no wat happen then jing xuan was like :"oi huan wei!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
then i was like freaked out then my knife fly out =.=
then like all xiao 1 min of mess=.=
crystal laughing then andrew don no wat he doing jing xuan laugh till face red i like retard don no wat to do =.=

hahaha then i was like don come in don come in !!!!!!!

but he did come in=.=
kk very diao =.= we talk talktalk eat waffle ^.^ nice ^.^
hahahathen wash hand saw huan wei~
the way he look at me very fuunnny=.=
i wonder y then i remember
wat i wrote on my kaixin.com homepage word =.=


i think omg kk omg still omg
we went library after tat talk talk
most of
time we
kept taking pictures hehe
then camo home le at the mrt station trying to let crystal n jing xuan c us danm funny

Happy Birthday tan hui!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tata all =.= bye s byes byes


Saturday, May 16, 2009 Y 1:41:00 PM


oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the feeling for now is just wo de tian !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh my gosh oh my gosh



Friday, May 15, 2009 Y 5:38:00 PM




i want to say a sorry to evryone


i can feel really feel tat i changed to a different person
so quite that i m not use to it...

sorry x (1million billion)1billion million=uncountable sorrry to you

TMD fan si le T^T^T^T^T^G^T^T^T^T^T wo gan ma xi huan ta la hai hao kao wan shi le T^T^T^T^T


Wednesday, May 13, 2009 Y 9:33:00 PM









u no?

dissapointed huh?whocares?
fatso huh?whocares again
stupid idiot heartless?

who cares

Sunday, May 10, 2009 Y 7:03:00 PM

i think i no who is the passer by le
such a surprise n i m not telling anyone seriously

Saturday, May 9, 2009 Y 12:38:00 PM

ah hehehheehe
thanks to all ppl

-secret supporter

and tat passerby

at least thanks to tatatatattatat passerby i no tat i should loss weight
thank u for giving me pressure

thank the listed ppl for
couraging me thankyou i love ur all
T.T so touched

sseriously don tell me tat spammer don like me cause of my size??o.o
then tat is called u no

so lame

anyway i no who is it le so it is ok la
can't believe who tat spamer is .......
so suprising

even can't believe got ppl don liked me tat much ai......i shoul dchange thankyou

thankyou everyone i love u hahazz


yah i should not b a cry baby i m strong from today on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thankyou passer by!!!!!!for spamming me n let me have presure to loss weight n
b strong
really thanks hor

Saturday, May 2, 2009 Y 3:17:00 PM

i m like 0mg
tat dad come back i m really happy to c him
the fact is he always pick on me omg sheet yah sheet

good luck for exam ppl

this morning woke up at 9.41
i saw dad mum n brother
oh k
then g toilet wash cloth wash face n brush teeth
i saw a hamster
it was mine i wonder how it came out o.o\\\\
i m like omg?
then mum wan go eat then go eat lor =.=
then omg

k fine lazy to type le hheheheh


Friday, May 1, 2009 Y 7:59:00 PM

i can;'t believe my self

i woke up super early
i slept at 2 last night
then tis morning woke up at 6.40
i then don feel lky sleeping le
so ......very bored
n sms crystal
she reply at 7.31......................=.=i thought she still asleep then did not look at it after i send her the msg hahaha

i m so bored
i start to stare n think ab something blahblahblah thing...
then i went to com
wah!!!!!!!!!i m the first on com
the first per online
i went to blog,kaixin,kaixinoo1,facebook...alot alot

ah hahaha
oh gosh my mum woke up she is like so odd
because today moring
she saw me using the com she never say anything the wait till my brother come out then they went out

i...watch ghost movie it is called unborn la tat horrible movie
i manage to watch in cinema n watched again tis afternoon
on CD la
bought from china de they always have the newest movie
so dad bought it n i watch ah hahaahaha

k not funny
then finish watching

i close the player then i saw jun says hey.... on msn ah ha
i feel abit funny n
i .............k
i say his name jun
on my phone i just fell something cnt explain de
i deleted the contact
then i saw the msn msg
then i saw his name again
a big JUN down there full name some more

so i sms ppl for wen gege no.
n 2 per send the contact to me ah hahahahahaha

i went joging to release some stupid thinks n my thing la
canddy went to
we run for 30 min then went to beach

it was so windy n nice
we walked on our own
each thinking of wat we had then i realise i was standing far away from her

i walked by myself n just did not realise tat i was that far from her
we almost have the same feeling
but standing so far
i looked down i saw so many seashell so nice when i tried to catch them they just
gone back to sea

'wen there is a chance et it fast before it was gone'

then i walked to candy she is now building a hill small hill by sand
i stopped her
we both write things in paper then put in a stone as our broken heart above the
n cover the sand back
it was realy
nice i did 3 sand heart n putted on top


This is my blog.
Please love my blog cause it's not yours.haHA

If you don't like my blog,
you can Click here. but very sure u will love it oh ahahah
stats counter
Website Hit Counters another clock
Aqua Museum

That girl.

Dorothea ding

14 years old now...going 14next year oh
ah hahahahahahahaha
i ....

hahaha bring happyness n laughters to ppl if you
wan c me type dorocute at msg box then i update picture lor
haha oh must come to me wen not happy k^.^
My charactor : hARd outside♥ .....Very soft inside♥

veri cute.


Loves <33/ Hates


-L lky $@/\/\..?!&:;W@i
-Eat when i sad or angry ( i mean eat lyk piggy)
-Teakwondo training
-My friends: Girls
Yuwei, Tan nui, yanching, Candy, fangwen,
Tammy, jia wen, Kim Barakath.omg they r all my fren i love them
everyone who talk to me la aiyo


-insult on my badside
-ppl talk thing which are irritating
-too clever ppl
-tat mum



Desire.My dEar WisHeSe

-Double promotion for teakwondo Grading
-Be good fren with HW
-Be strong on the inside
-BE smart Ah hahahahhahaha!! XD
-don make anyone hate me
-learn to endure more han normal ppl
-all a1 for all subject
-new bag
-alot of money
-thin !thin!lky chalote o tian
-new phone
-get more laopos n lao gong
-more matured
-good studies
-become more smart
-don care about it

...... to b continued


                                                                                                haha bear nnow


MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com


Mind what you`re tagging



dear feelings

a msg^.^.

Here's a story of a girl,
Living in the lonely world,
A hidden note, A secret crush,
A little boy who talks too much.

Well, I'm standing in the crowd,
And when you smile I check you out,
But you don't even know my name,
You're too busy playing games,

And I want you too know,
If you lose your way,
I won't let you go.

If I cut my hair,
If I change my clothes,
Will you notice me?

If I bite my lip,
If I say hello,
Will you notice me?