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Thursday, April 30, 2009 Y 9:17:00 PM

yesterday was the best afternoon


ah hahahahahahhahah

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 Y 5:22:00 PM

yah today i felt better

in the morning i manage to sqeeessss into a 222 bus


i came down the bus with my friend


i walk n walk

i feel so.....like having something tat make my breathing really hard

i don feel lky doing anything

i don wan to cry again

i took the phone n start playing game to control

it was useful

ppl just kkept asking

'dorothea,r u ok?'

i will say

'yah i k le haha'

but i don think i m n they no it too

they give a"oh"to me

i give a smile back

in all the lesson today

i can't concentrate

i m just staring n playing phone through out every lesson

i tried be with crystal

but i think she is busy with her friend

so nvm

i just shouldn't irritate her

in geo lesson i liked watching the movie

i loved the movie

it made me forget everything

but concentrate

then suddenly the movie stopped

i feel the mind had no where to concentrate

we all then went to art class

miss loke is absent

id mr lee take over

i wanted to play game to forget wat i m thinking again

i find ryan group more fun

i sat beside shueaqin n adrain

i realise i can laugh

very happily

i saw jun.......sitting with crystal

n felt nth

i thought i was k le

we played murder n the police

not bad game

lesson finish

mr lee told crstal n andy n chalotte to stay for a while

i wan to tell crystal something so i waitted for her

outside the class was onli me haslinda n jun

jun was beside me

tis time i saw him clear super clear


thins runnning into my head again



i cried out

haslinde found out n i run to toilet

i was thinking

i thought i m ok already

y m i crying

y ?y?y?

his face is so familar

i stopped by force n came out

crystal is still there i thought again....i could talk to her

she came out n went with jun

k fine then i think i will go alone

mayb i m irritating crystal

yes n sorry to her

sorry crystal

i met my friend at canteen

we took bus together

we went to pasir ris library

i told her i did not go for math lesson

she asked y

n i just starts to cry ut of no reason

she looked so worried

i feel more pain

y m i cusing

trouble to my friend

i felt so sorry to everyone


sorry x 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000



i thought of calling someone hu can make me happy at least for sometime then


i laughed


i reached home

i like xiao then talk to myself

i m recovering very fast

i think i mayb k by tomor









k i don feel lky laughing

n no energy to laugh too

tomor got pe napfa test again hayo

wish i could just pass my 2.4.....i injurt my leg half way

don no if i stilll can pass

i don no how to say things

i think i m just so irritating

i need you

n i need you n you n you n you n you n you you uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

my eyes are so tired

n body too feel so tired

tired tired

tired tired

i miss the me cause i cannot b the me on the other side

i miss you


k promise i will b k tomor if i can

i learnt alot about how things go on n won make the same mistake



i paid to much

lost e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.

n gets



crystal n jun y so sad tis few days must b happy

m smile

because sad

doesn;t make u happy

happy go lucky oh

cheer up



i miss ur laugh

mayb u have prob too u can tell me de

or anyone


u don look so happpy tis few days


Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Y 4:51:00 PM


k ....hello


i can't smile properly today like

i wan to smile my tears will drop out


no one nos y i cry

n no one will n0 y

but some how i m writing here

i learnt too much too much over the limit.

i m angry the fact tat i m not angry

i m sad the fact tat i m happy



today mdm lim never come i spend the whole period releasing my sadness...

i shouldn't cry but i did

omg my eye is swallon......


omg recess

i went to toilet n another storm came

i realise tat the sky so crying too

i begin to stop but i can't

just can't

so hard

ya in geo class i begin to feel positive n nagetive

then i stare n do nothing

tas wen i saw ryan n adrain doing something funny

then pulling the cover

of the battery on the thermometre


super funny

i wan t to laugh but just no sound

i continue wat i did


here i saw jun

i don no y wen i saw him tat sec

i just want to cry

i don no y really i don

mayb reminds of tat

horrible memory



mayb yah

i felt so pain wen i cry

unexplainable feeling

i always do

i m always a cry baby

even now i m crying

n i don no y m i crying wen typing this post

i feel just so pain

for tis week

u will c how is the real dorothea

which u never guessed or thought

tis is my real character

it is mine

n next week

i will b normal

i promise

i just got my phone...

but just for somedays n for reason..............


u r such a irritating pig

y don u just b confident

u no wat u r doing....

u r strong

ain't u?

baoli cares about you

n tats enough

say sorrry to youself dorothea

be strong

everything is easy n fine

don cry u not a cry baby

you r not sorry tat u no

n i won pick the call

this is last u have

you r not sorry

there is nth left


there is so much more coming


it is never over

cause i says so

n i never give up............


broken like a glass dropped on the floor


Monday, April 27, 2009 Y 5:03:00 PM

don say thing tat r not ture
becuase i hate to be blamed for not ture things n u just did
make me do ........
n i feel tat ur IQ or EQ got problem u should realise wat u do
ya i no u will say
'wat did i do????o.o'
i will say tat too ............................................don ask wat is wrong
no y is wrong
yayyayaya i realise alot of things u no
alot not abit .....
yes you are not sorry
i don care i m talking about u u idiot reading tis???
is not for u is your life
yes i grown up more that u developed
i m ahead because i can realise things u can't

in anyway.........i understand more than anyone
cause i care about it
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i don care anymore
i can't

in anyway i will loose to you

in all ways i will win u

i will hard for science class to make sure i m not with u
i m realy angry
ya u will b wondering y?? wat did i do
oh gosh u should write down wat you do everyday every min everysec to no wat u have done
n reflect everyday......................

yes u should not b born?
yah then i should not b born too
if u think u r more unfortunate n sad n troubled than me?
u should go die
i should go hell
everyone has their own things to do
each one is different
n u meet good ppl more
if u meet bad ppl
they won forgive u ..........
tis thing of u will carry u along is not tat u have friend now or not u sure have some friends
wen u meet social ppl they don like just fire
i hope u realise wat the hell u r doing n change for goodness sick

*** i think u r blind
so blind

もし私があなただったら ,は難しいことを言う私はイムすべてを気に入っている唯一の希望を与えることで傷ついた彼らはいつも私の心が壊れÑするお友達との愛が嫌いだと考えていることができない

i wish time coul go back

k i no u r visiting my blog everytime
but ii wan u to forgive me
at least tag a spam is fine
pls just tag something
don leave just like tis
*** ******** * * *****

fine wat ever i just feel so agnry n not happy today
mayb it i s just not my day
i miss u crystal heng

i don no y
i began to feel lonely again
i felt like crying
but i think i strong
fighting back tears everyday is not easy

to smile at someone u don wan to is harder..............

Sunday, April 26, 2009 Y 8:08:00 PM

k fine
i can't believe wat happened
i just post a post for jun on my blog
i don think i lky him
cause really no feeling but i feel lky lky him
i told cris=.=
donno wats wrong with me
i feel hungry just after i eat
i bang into
then cannot sleep at night
my eye lky frog now
k fine i don no wat to say

i hate you man u kannasai nabei jibai
i will hate u forever u idiot attitude ass hole
thick skin
i hate u n i mean it
i don no wats the fucking prob u have k?
n i don care ur prob
ass hole
don irrtate me k
cause i m stronger more independent than u
u don no how to treasure
i curse ur mum was dead too
u did the fucking sheet to me
n now is sec2
it happened at sec1 n u haven change
u need a slap from me man
i wiil never forget wat u did to me u ass hole
don act innocent or u r so graceful
u r not
don do it anymore
don come near me
ya i said tis now i will regrate
because i will
regrate everything i do i will
i regrate been born u ass hole
i don need u to hurt ppl
acting to hurt yourself is pain but acting to hurt other ppl is causing not 1 pain
u r heartless
i no tat long ago
i should not said anything to him
i forgot he loved u so much
i m angry now yes angry
tomor is monday
i won talk alot
because.........................................of u ass hole
u fucking sheet
it is better u go brain wash n no wat u r doing
i promise i will never like anyone again because u will always snatch him from me
u r an ass hole
yes a admit i lky jun a litle bit but not now anymore
cause i will loss to u
i forgot everything
about u n me n everything
make sure tat ......................................................i don feel pain or hurt from u again because u sucks
i promise i won cal jun kor anymore for u wished happy?

as i wrote tis my tears are really running down
i don't no y but just came down
i felt so pain n...................
sorry i m going to regrate again
i m so useless

i miss u pls come n support me i really need u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Saturday, April 25, 2009 Y 4:02:00 PM

jun i read your blog i think
u should not even b in bad mood
human must be happy
don be sad
cause of such littke fucking ass things
i admit i was lky u very angry of little thing once but i m nno longer like tat
i change for the sick of _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
i think i have no word for u anymore i believe u r more closer to crystal u can talk to her about your problem
she is a very nice person
u can tell me too
i m matured oh
matured inside

everything about me is inside i don show
i m jealous tat u can show n i can't i m really jealouse
hope u r happy
n liked your jokes haha

i miss u kor ah ahhahahahhahaha

Y 3:17:00 PM

hayo .........................
so long never post
cause dad at home cnt use com...
omg yest the speech day so fun sia
polay till very late hahhahahahahahahhahaha
then snatch baloon i got 2^.^
then jun go tat 1 T.T
another one accidentally broke

today got 2.4 run
i don no y i have no energy at all
is like normally i can run quite fast n far distance then to day..
run very tired at while onli lei
about 3 min then very tired but i forced myself hard
i felt something wen i was running
i realise a moral too
not one tat is easy to unerstand hahaha
k fine
i so lame
oh ya my class got 1 taiwan girl ahahahahahahaha
wen yu i her name

she so thin T.T
ai....huan wei ask me take care of her ai............
obviouse lor.i m her buddy^>^
but she quite but i believe she is the xiao kind too she just need time hahaha

hope her xiao soon
just now do math untilll my hair on my head became durian shape..............................................=.=
k fine not funni again ...

i don no y feel super happy with crystal ryan adrain jun xiao qing they all.........

n i became thick skin now adays!!!!!!like loosing face is so normal n i m so daring n not like a girl hahahhahahha


it has been so long ,
wen will will you forget about the pain
a sorry x 1000000 time really sorry
n i really miss u
so long
i forgot about it
i no u need time i really miss u
can u?
reply tat Q
i post this on blog because
remembering you
i felt so pain
n can't forget wat happened on tat day
i changed myself because of u
a daring me
someone who is no longer scared of boys
get along even
someone who can feel in love
wan will you forgive about it i rweally miss you
is a misunderstanding
i lost alot
really alot
i won't forget you for ever because loveyoumore than june
i need you
i felt unsecured
it has been for 2 years tat time i was childish really unmatured
but now i m matured
will you forgive me?
i m childish??
not more i m strong n matured come back pls


i wonder if i even have a chance to say goodbye n sorry
i will treasure everything with me cause i lost toooooooo much
i understaand more than you


Wednesday, April 22, 2009 Y 12:01:00 PM

got silver for SYF yah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tis few days dad at home cnt use com hzzzzzzzzzzz

Monday, April 20, 2009 Y 4:18:00 PM

today got gu zheng SYF
omg in morning
all reached early then practice till 8.30
all go change i came out from toilet changed then want to catch up with my friend then i run then i realise i was wearing high heel n passed 201 class
yah they all laughing at me hazzzzzzz
the best part
got make up!!!!!!!!!!!
i face very white the the foundation is white=.=
but after out cheek red red mouth red red eye purple
here i make my hair haha
walao look like kannasai n is kannasai
only crystal atika dannian got c hang ah!!!!
on the bus i kept singing
omg reach then at the waiting room making sure everything k then go!!!!
the sch before us is siglap
n i saw my friend...........
we carry the gu zheng wa !!!!!!!!!the per infroont of me knock on te chair then bang
super loud
omg sitted down then start
surprisingly no one feel scared
=-=finish hor T.T
tis time i knocked on chair follow by candy hazzzzzz
we came out eat burger n food
then go back to sch le
ii wash my hair at the basin cause the gel is omg so not nice =.=
siling help me thanks!!!
finally go eat lunch then now reach home o ya

on MRT hor i fell asleep then the MRT reached pasir ris le i still sleeping
then i suddenly woke up i realised i reach then go down then i realise the mrt i s departing=.=
i wan to sleep le=.=.=.=
bye ppl =.=
go luck to speech day =.=

Saturday, April 18, 2009 Y 9:05:00 PM

today got guzheng then play till xiao le haz
end at 12.30
walao carry the gu zheng to 4th floor T.T
next week got SYF
then after guzheng go BBT shop
with yu wei n xiaojie
then go buy shoes with iao jie haz
we sing the song very funny the lyrics is lky



haha nth lei
then go home=.=
hazzzzzzzzz i found that i grew fat by 2 kg
ten sit there study for 5 hour T.T
1 hour quality hour
4 hour
-sleeping but with open eye
-dreaming ab him haha
-staring at book
-hoping tat i m in aircon
-laughing in the heart for no reason

boliao hazzzzzzzzz

nth le hahahhahahahaha


Friday, April 17, 2009 Y 3:54:00 PM


omg i gonna die die die

wa yest my BD

haha then quite happy la


9am go guzheng carry the things

then went down at 9.58

saw VP then don dare buy food we sit at the table there exactly wen 'ring'

we buy n eat!!wa the food so nice ~,~


till 1 plus then stop yeah carry guzheng hahaha

then go home yeah but very tired fell asleep in the MRT from bedok to pasir ris then i still sleeping from pasir ris go bugis le

then i wake up


i sweat lky xiao=.=

ah hahhaa tomor got napfa test i not going

cause got guzheng practice then go mext week with the sec 1s..........


i wonder if i can run faster than the sec 1s

if i don;t...

=.= shame on me:P

hope i can pass try my best!!!!!!!!!


i giit alot of things to say

but i can't something is goin really wrong

i m changing to someone who i don recognise reallly

i don want to change to a bad girl

mayb ............

ah lalalalalalala

i don no laalalalalalal

i still don no help help help?

will u b there?

or stand by n watch?

i think u will walk away if i turn bad cause no body care me right?

yes yes yes i don care mysself

n i don need a care i m independent
don nno y so down so bored
n i hate week ends
sucks to me
monday got SYF
i m abit excited but miss the chinese lesson T^T
n monday is the best day of the whole week T^T
ah syf on mon
somemore the teacher say the SYF hall there the chair is very high n the gu zheng support is very low mainly prepared for primary sch only
the mother fucker how we sec sch sit sia
the judge say don care
mother mother fuker sia
nth to say lor
exam coming i must pass all the subject or i die die die
i lky the nine tail fox u no
nvvr dieds wen i say i die de
c u on miss dorothea!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009 Y 11:50:00 AM

tomor is my birthday!!!!!!!16/4/95
i tell u already hor no reason don give present hor >.<



Monday, April 13, 2009 Y 5:48:00 PM

hayo had a terrible sat n sun

especially fri=.=.=.=.= so damn dead me T^T

oh ya


lky very happy chinese leson yeah yeah then the who ah oh ya

yuwei keep making me laugh in the end

i laugh for half the lesso

but tang lao shi

quite angry with us today

cause we not good not beheaving :P

i lky miss tang the most she so good lor she omg the best teacher i ever had:P:P:P:P

now taatatatatatat

eng lesson ai........

do nth also =;=.=.=.=.=.=.

yeah art ART lesson

yeahyeah nvr write anything

last min write things on the card board
basically just talktalktalktalktaktalktalktatlk
in the end still own her a pakaging=.=
ok yeah yeahyeah hahahahhqaha got F&N test
i group with kaiyi^.^
she good cooker but we both not happy with tat PLUM PLUM teacher
wa lao she talk too much n i don lky her
she is the teacher then u ask her where is tis n tat she say don no then wat,we no better than u?
but we manage to do a nice one she do cokking
i help syafiqua do the =/.=.=.=.=pizza....
n decoration for kai yi
hazzzzzzzzz as i still believe the pizza made by syfeequah n rossna cnt b eaten reason..
we actually played with the flour in their hand which i don no wat they touch before cooking ....
yeah i cook the carrot then nth to do le
so walk around c other ppl do wat
adrain group ah wa they making curry but indeed
it had a sheet colour when making
jun ah he fring the chicken ahhahaa i go disturb say wa kor veri nice i wan eat
n all the way ah jun n someone la scolding damein
oh my poor damien but also because of him jun's group got marks deducted
thenn i finish everything but the decoration
ask me go gu zheng
to day play till xiao tomor still have
wa kanna sai
i want to sleep yeh bybybybybybybybeybeyebyebyeb
don miss me until u sick hazzzzz
thanks for reading


Friday, April 10, 2009 Y 7:25:00 PM

我讨厌我我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。 我讨厌我。 我讨厌我。 我讨厌我。 我讨厌我。 我讨厌我。 我讨厌我。 我讨厌我。 我讨厌我。 i hate myself hHhHhHhhahah 我讨厌我。 我讨厌我。 我讨厌我。 我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我我讨厌我。 我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。我讨厌我。

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Wednesday, April 8, 2009 Y 7:03:00 PM

today very kk la
eng yayayah...-.- nobody came to sit beside me all absent=.=.=.=.

then recess yeah can eat le hungry
after then got geo...=.=
abit bored
wan sleep le =.= but i jian chi
go com play yeah!!!!!!!!!!ha play til forget got lesson
band ppl go syf O.O
hope they get gold!!!!!!!!!!!!
art lesson totally playing eith barakath make her think ipervert hhahahah very funny then crytal hahahaha
the byron.....=.=.=.=
we already do the logo le thenhe wan change hallo?is we take u ye......=.=
but he very good at least care for our group

ai ya
later dad coming back le =.=
don wan him com back lei

Tuesday, April 7, 2009 Y 6:11:00 PM

sorry is friends not friendhaha

k omg i don no how i should do
today just blur blur de
very bad luck
then sleep sleep sleep walao damn nice but i think sth happen i begin to feel dis tance between them is lky suddenly cold to me

n i no i bacame a bad per
cause i don no how to b good

i do wat i lky cause there might b another chance that u cnt do anything le

my eyes were damn pain u no y don u just understand me more i don b bad normal days sth happen which i cnt take tat........
realy cnt take i have been crying since it happen n the next day
i either angry or abnormal or get irritated easyly

1.friend leaving

i cnt do anything haha
not funny

i m such a bad girl right yah n think how r u better than me?
or stronger than me?

tat human who wrote things on my cbox
u lame sia hazzzzzz i on care wat ppl comment ab me
n i no who u r
but i don wan ppl to pity me i will b angry very instead n now i m burning
because u write tat
before u do anything don b lky me without brain
i think i chicken running without head...............=.=

here i pin up my hair arliarliahhhhhhhhhh

hayo so ugly=.=

Monday, April 6, 2009 Y 7:31:00 PM

i felt sorry for everyone

sorry jun
sorry crystal
sorry adrain
sorry ryan
sorry weitian
sorry yu wei
sorry huan wei
sorry omg tooooooo many le

i should do wat i do right
sorry kor
don angry with me k
i don wan feel lonly T.T

Sunday, April 5, 2009 Y 1:25:00 PM

i feel use less

actually i think alot of prob came from myself

yanyan don lky tis u r my friend tats y i said it to u or i don even wan to tell u must well i just hate u n stare wen walk pass u


i not someone who rmb hates

i onli angryangry

yahyah five hours then k le

understanding someone is not easy

just endure

ur enduration is very low really low

try train ur enduration ba

tat msg on ur blog

i got the meaning

i don hate ppl only angry awhile but not everyone is the same as me

i take good care of my friends i say sorry immediately

i b there wen they need me

but they r nvr there wen i need there

should i just hate them n say they suck i always too good to them???

no i will say it is my problem

because i want then as my friend tats y i do things for them

wen they hurt me i don say anything

again because i want they

not everyone r lky me who can leave n forget

everything fast even my sch science workT.T

they rmb it for long time it is not good to u

k nust take care i will help to convince ppl

cause i think u have reasons to desui ppl to right?

don worry everything on me k

just rmb i nvr take u as granted,i take u as my friend best one who i will take care with untill u finish o level,i will b there for u>.<


i mad again le haz


ppl i went to beach with candy yesterday

then make alot of thing woth sand lor hahahah

n malik?try to forgive her la
it is done by me
hahahahahahaha cu


Friday, April 3, 2009 Y 1:55:00 PM

oral then kanna sai

parent meetingT.T

Thursday, April 2, 2009 Y 9:14:00 PM





Y 9:02:00 PM

i don no wat happen
omg tomor parents meeting
ah yo
i think i going to die
ya ya my ymther going to act very good to me
wat ever
i don care
i wish lesson ends slowly


and i hate guzheng
after working so hard
not really wanted a leader
n don believe yanching said tat
n i m both angry and sad with her
i don wan to talk to her again le i feel hates towards her
n i m going to join singing after SYF
i cnt believe it tat i m actually a omg
i just hate guzheng i should not have choose it mayb

yanching .....i don no wat happen to you and ur sec four de too much stress??
but u r making ppl more n more don lky u
watch out for one day losing good members
i don care
cause u don care ab me n how i feel
tis is making me angry
i cnt do homework
no mood for guzheng

mother fuker

i cnt take tis anymore
yah sheet
i think i m just irritating ppl everyday mking ppl more n more don lky me
yah i no my attitude sucks but cnt do anything
cause it is not easy to change
n i got irritated by ppl who keep saying ab god
i don believe mean i don believe
i don wan to go church
i m not free enough
i very bad one wat is the point going there
to let jesus died for ppl doing bad things everyday???????????O.o
i don think he can die so many times


Wednesday, April 1, 2009 Y 8:24:00 PM

omg god damn fucking day
april fool
i think i m the fool behind all
i think tat
ai....i m in a bad
i think no one c it out........

it was a day,as nomal day
what a plain day,really it was plain
excited in the day that today is a april
you are looking there
while i m standing infront of u....

it was funny,really funny
they get tricked
Y?did i do tat
because i need to laugh
i need to do so
cause i can't
yes i can't
because it dissapeared suddenly

it is getting bored, really bored
then i realised...
how STUPID i was
i think i m a crown
so as you

people u no how i feel or not
no you don
u make me feel somethink bad i don no wat

u make me feel lky i m a sweet factory

u did not make me feel the presence of god instead i find it very irritating n u r pulling me to believe but i m telling i DON BELIEVE

wei tian
can u stop being so tat one i m getting irritated

u no?

u r not normal sometimes

damn mr ,liew u talk i totally cnt hear ok?
miss lok?
i tell u u stop shouting suddenly lor
iky this u don own repect from us
u stop the gabage?if u don lky everything then tell me i can't b borthered
pe teacher stop making us lky a dog we r not runnng everyday
fucking guzheng
u no i understand the meaning of SYF is coming
n u r making us practice lky xiao i can
i cannot take it tat the fact tat i play n get scolding
i don understand y that i play better than siying siyi sylvia dashu n they got chance to scold me
guzheng ppl i tell u
if i m angry i won come for guzheng even on the day of syf ok?
i don care i don get anything for syf CCA points???
useless i asked my friend they say from last year cca not usefull le
all last yearr ppl nvr get deduct lor

i so childush
i suck
i can't b borthered
i don no wat happen to me
i m crying while typing this
the keyboard is wet
will uu get wat i meanwill u no how i feel

i don no
wat happen to me my attitude suck i just cnt change what fuking hell did happen
to me
i became lazy
i own a slap

i m sheet i kanna sai i fuckinh hell i attitude
i bitch i bustard right
i m in a very bad mood don irritate me anymore
i m not in good mood
sorry but it is the fact
this wat hapen to me

i cnt tell u wat happen because it is a public blog ^.^

m i smiling
do u think so
i don think so try to b understanding can u?



This is my blog.
Please love my blog cause it's not yours.haHA

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Aqua Museum

That girl.

Dorothea ding

14 years old now...going 14next year oh
ah hahahahahahahaha
i ....

hahaha bring happyness n laughters to ppl if you
wan c me type dorocute at msg box then i update picture lor
haha oh must come to me wen not happy k^.^
My charactor : hARd outside♥ .....Very soft inside♥

veri cute.


Loves <33/ Hates


-L lky $@/\/\..?!&:;W@i
-Eat when i sad or angry ( i mean eat lyk piggy)
-Teakwondo training
-My friends: Girls
Yuwei, Tan nui, yanching, Candy, fangwen,
Tammy, jia wen, Kim Barakath.omg they r all my fren i love them
everyone who talk to me la aiyo


-insult on my badside
-ppl talk thing which are irritating
-too clever ppl
-tat mum



Desire.My dEar WisHeSe

-Double promotion for teakwondo Grading
-Be good fren with HW
-Be strong on the inside
-BE smart Ah hahahahhahaha!! XD
-don make anyone hate me
-learn to endure more han normal ppl
-all a1 for all subject
-new bag
-alot of money
-thin !thin!lky chalote o tian
-new phone
-get more laopos n lao gong
-more matured
-good studies
-become more smart
-don care about it

...... to b continued


                                                                                                haha bear nnow


MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com


Mind what you`re tagging



dear feelings

a msg^.^.

Here's a story of a girl,
Living in the lonely world,
A hidden note, A secret crush,
A little boy who talks too much.

Well, I'm standing in the crowd,
And when you smile I check you out,
But you don't even know my name,
You're too busy playing games,

And I want you too know,
If you lose your way,
I won't let you go.

If I cut my hair,
If I change my clothes,
Will you notice me?

If I bite my lip,
If I say hello,
Will you notice me?