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Wednesday, October 29, 2008 Y 11:05:00 AM

omg nth i die die le

Tuesday, October 28, 2008 Y 7:23:00 PM

who ask ppl
don reply!!!!!don leave mag T.T
i use japanese ah!!!

いうbんtbvぼぽれきものときょいぉヴぇぃヴぇいんときょいちすぉんでrふっぉぽうのそまかわいいてぃんあにまちおにぬやなるとじゃぱんぁぐあげfdkんvんbhbdh区bvふぉっ部ウィhljんhl:ん。¥;かhtqcxらエアエア絵sstddvんbjんfgbbchbwjlさvjkfdjbj、んmヴぇkbm、dfjbk。cl;dんbr。、絵bgぇg簿絵t;lkvjwsrkj地y不yrうvgktyjkmんchhfhhjつ亜bcでfg費jklmのpqrsつvwxyz母は母は母は母八派は母は母は八派はhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjkfhウィふぃキウイウイいういう歩歩歩おいおい追いうふふhんkkんkんk煮にヒヒひひぎぎぎっぎおいい大尾ppっぽういいyっるええ家日ヴィ被疑ウイ地位ふぃ利知恵意ウィしあいくぃジィ氏ヴィ日に見、維持うきぃおいぴくぇウェア似非でぜぇえせヴぇfれてげべいぇへ根上ジェイえけめおえぇ、エペ;絵。絵@絵:絵・絵「絵」絵¥絵くぁあざわさぁえあだからふぁヴぁたが早はなう亜じゃいあかまおあぁ、あぱ;あ。あ@あ:あ・あ「あ」あ¥朝sqszsw背sdsxscsfsrstsgsvsyshsb巣sjsんしsksm祖sls、s0s9sps;s、s。s:s@s・¥s;:s@っそくぉあおぞぉそをえおどころふぉヴぉとごぼのほようおじょもいおこ、おぉうくおううえおうるいつゆうあうすづふぐふじゅくぅぷ、うむぬぶヴくぅzかんdyghahahahahahahahahaha don understand right hahahahhahahaha
actually i oso don understand..................
. . .

Y 6:54:00 PM

hello!!!!!i m in japan now!!!omg japan is so good u no.........
i went to the fuji mountain valey of hell pirate boat
u no wat the japanese food is omg so nice the fried prawn fish sushi ice cream it was fatastic
then i went to c the sumo fat ppl fight then try japan kimono i look some kind of cute hahai wear pink n white colour the most scary part was u have to strip infront of a japanese woman omgomgomgomg the learn how to make tea serve omg just so perfact
u fell save not rush in japan it is neat abit lky taiwan u no but better than taiwan
the things here is very expensive
i saw alot kawaii ppl
i saw really animation character here i oso went to Asuka n animation world Akibara
haha i love japan
u no wat the toilet bowl can wash ur button
they have WATER BUS!!!!!bus on water omg
tokyo towern lot lah too excited now hahahahahahaha
but best of all hja kimono is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!
then u walk in hotel ppl just say gosaiimas mean hi all ppl say at 1 time walao i ganna shock totallyi just say hihihihihihi in english seriously i don understand japanese language n
i can talk to them hahahaha who ask me so pro nvm nth to say le c u soon

oh~~kimono~~oh~~pinky n whity oh~~~

c u soon


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 Y 4:16:00 PM

hi ppl long time nvr blog le oh yah nvm i don hate ppl for nth de nvm don talk le
omg my exam results suck lky hell leh so so so lan......
i think next year i going to NA sheet lor omg i fail my english ahahahaha omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg then tis few days i got guzheng omg i practise til i mad le tat two song ssss........
today me n yuwei go follow wat jason do at backstage then say tat is wat wat taiwan ppl do haha funny leh
i very paisei leh don no y lahthen huan wei did not come 4 2 days u no how i no ??? cause someone lky him told omg heheheheh lah i think of him wan slap hm le no lah i joking onli later he kill me i die go haunt tat per 1st lor hahahah
reply fangwen:
sorry about late reply but i cannot tell u
u might tel other ppl is not tat i think u r big mouth is because i don think i trust u really uuu u u don angry ah later i die double times
k next i so angry u no my parents saygot exam then take care my
phone then they say don no wat i play my phone then exam not good wtf lah walao
phone is lky talk to fren n family lor they so not catch nowadays things then the most too far is is they go take my phone change to the very very very old 1 then
all contact n my preciouse song is gone!~!!!!!Q!
then is few days my dad mad lorkeep on showing his attitude he angry oso don need fa at me n my mum right then my mum fa at me then i wat they think i wat rubbish to absorb in garbage????
i9 can no longer stand my parets xiao 1 leh omg
ppl do u no i very happy is actually very sad in side omg nvmm no ine wil ever understand me lah except yuwei lor
ohyah tat candy ah shehappy shout shout don give ppl face one omg i cannot stand tis kind of things cause if i shout i wil b 10 times more hurt tats y i don wan
say ppl later very bad for them
i lky bad gurl now tats wat my mum say ab me lor
nvm k sorry to chalotte she seem angry with me don no y lor
anyway take care ppl who read my blog i wil update new post ab 1/2 month later i going overseas haha c ur soon ppl in NA


Thursday, October 16, 2008 Y 11:23:00 AM

i hate wei tian!!!!!!wei tian u got it omg she sucks man i don sold ppl for nth i don lky ppl lky u leh don care ab fren omg u r making me really angry u no i got nth to say le
tis kind of ppl still can find fren i think the fren really should think twice lor omg think of her hor i wan vomit le don no y just hate her now ppl was right man best fren wil turn into enimy in the end n enimy wil turn into good frens n can last for a long time
i finally understand
yahyahyah the huan wei oso i don no lah he got brain prob or 2at can play with tis kind of ppl
syill can say very nice to play omg i nth 2 say
i bwg
think of her n huan wei really peacing me off lor she still nvr invite me to her blog
WEI tian u rmr tis i hate u forever


Y 11:13:00 AM

k urm nth ready happen lah yest i go swimming with my frends so funlor
i really wan go again urm i need go 1st now my mum calling le sorry

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 Y 2:12:00 PM

omg haha i finish exam lelelelelele ah haahahaha
can play u no play????
hahai just don no y so happy just so happy lah don
no y lor so nice haha i go youtube veoh yahoo watch anime lky xiao but just so relax n nice ppl
omg the beijing welcome you tat song ah omg nice xia sososos
great got ppl from singapore taiwan hongkong korea china n lot other country leh
omg just so nice
i nth to say leh
urm nth happen today seriousely jjust finish exam me n candy yuwei n qi hui try get
some entertainment then candy call huan wei ask him g out with me n her then.......he say no then we go chase n beg him u no haha
then he so scared he 7 eleven
then we oso there mah i try to bey say~huan wei pls lah~then his face expression danm
funny i laugh lky xiao le ah hhahah i think he kanna scared by me sia
then just now talking to fangwen she reading novel sia omg
c ppl so hardworking not lky me finish exam ah go playplay le

Sunday, October 12, 2008 Y 2:07:00 PM

hint to fang wen:$@^^_!-!a&* &^$n v ve!


Y 1:46:00 PM

omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!
is it tat my taste too good le mah????y?y?y?Y?Y?Y?Y?Y?YY?Y?Y?Y
i just don get it Y?
evrytime the per i lky wil b taken away
by another per
nvm now exam time i "con-cen-trated" on study 1 st then after exam i wan transfer sch lor shit shit shit!!!!!
it is not because of jimmy cndy huan wei or wei tian it is myself i hav done
thngs not right
it is my prob
i m not welcome in place i really don wan to take tat challenge u no
i cnt take tat anymore i try to b a good girl
but fail in the end i m sorry everyone
really i hav decided the date thankyou for taking care of me tis
is no longer
the right place for me
sorry but i really cnt le nvm i try another 3 month
mayb santa clow coming to fetch me soon
omg i wan say thankyou to yuwei
candy jimmy huanwei
tammy jiawen yanching fangwen yangshuai kim
tanhui jingyi charlotte n dieterich
i wan say sory to jimmy huanwei weitian candy
fangwen n ppl who hate me really a very sorry to u
i feel sorrow i emo i xiao
rmr everything u do a reason is behind it
i m so stupid don u think so?????


Friday, October 10, 2008 Y 9:19:00 PM

omg i must C HM everyday lky tat stupid face i got heart pain u no stupid

ah sia lah i read my own blog i so touching i almost cry out leh ah hahahhahahahhahahahha


I LOVE TAIWAN!!!!!!!!!!!
no reason:]

I LOVE +(_ C$%35@# ~?$
no reason sia lah talk ab him heart pain le~~~~~T.T


Y 8:41:00 PM


nth to say i got teakwondo test tomor

Tuesday, October 7, 2008 Y 2:45:00 PM

i just don no how to say tat kind of feeling it is painful seeing him with other ppl
i do wan disturb him seriously but never mind i don wan lah but i still wan really onongongong ahh wat is tat????oh i mean omg ommgomgomg not
ongong hhaha ah i just so sad wen his name is called
i wan to c him face to face bbut
heart is painful really painful
really n no 1 nos the pain
yah so pain ai yo
wat i thinking
i must
lah omg i
don no me leh
c my words long short
1 ha funny i don no just
realize n yet i still doning it ha
pain pain pain pls pls i beg don angry me
i feel pain u no really pain i don wan do anything
u r the onli 1 tat can make me heart so pain i wil no give
up i wil try harder tis time oh k wait i must top up my card 1st lah
then hahhahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahaha i wil smsmsmsmsmsmsmsm\
sms sms sms smsmsmsmsmsmsmmsmsmsmsms u everyday everyday hahahhhaha
i so smart lah don need say le yo hohoho i mad le eart pain for bustard sia ah ahah
k lah any one can teach me thngs ab blog i wan learn lah
here is my my new blog live msg for me oh!!!!!:]


Friday, October 3, 2008 Y 9:08:00 PM

urm.....hi everyone....long time no c i start to write long blog hahayo
omg i don no wat happen oso lah just no emo even tanhui don talk to mo le but i find her really over the limit omg ....
i tat morning bad mood very tired n don wan talk she keep saying u change ur attitude le then after tat he just tke her bag n go lky she don no me lor i really so angry with her she think she wan fren got fren don lky fren throw fren ah omg she is just been lky she should change i hate tis kind of ppl



This is my blog.
Please love my blog cause it's not yours.haHA

If you don't like my blog,
you can Click here. but very sure u will love it oh ahahah
stats counter
Website Hit Counters another clock
Aqua Museum

That girl.

Dorothea ding

14 years old now...going 14next year oh
ah hahahahahahahaha
i ....

hahaha bring happyness n laughters to ppl if you
wan c me type dorocute at msg box then i update picture lor
haha oh must come to me wen not happy k^.^
My charactor : hARd outside♥ .....Very soft inside♥

veri cute.


Loves <33/ Hates


-L lky $@/\/\..?!&:;W@i
-Eat when i sad or angry ( i mean eat lyk piggy)
-Teakwondo training
-My friends: Girls
Yuwei, Tan nui, yanching, Candy, fangwen,
Tammy, jia wen, Kim Barakath.omg they r all my fren i love them
everyone who talk to me la aiyo


-insult on my badside
-ppl talk thing which are irritating
-too clever ppl
-tat mum



Desire.My dEar WisHeSe

-Double promotion for teakwondo Grading
-Be good fren with HW
-Be strong on the inside
-BE smart Ah hahahahhahaha!! XD
-don make anyone hate me
-learn to endure more han normal ppl
-all a1 for all subject
-new bag
-alot of money
-thin !thin!lky chalote o tian
-new phone
-get more laopos n lao gong
-more matured
-good studies
-become more smart
-don care about it

...... to b continued


                                                                                                haha bear nnow


MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com


Mind what you`re tagging



dear feelings

a msg^.^.

Here's a story of a girl,
Living in the lonely world,
A hidden note, A secret crush,
A little boy who talks too much.

Well, I'm standing in the crowd,
And when you smile I check you out,
But you don't even know my name,
You're too busy playing games,

And I want you too know,
If you lose your way,
I won't let you go.

If I cut my hair,
If I change my clothes,
Will you notice me?

If I bite my lip,
If I say hello,
Will you notice me?